in a unique turn of events, an anonymous artist added some small additions to one of our murals. This is unique because for the first time ever, what was added fit one of the main themes of our mural ! ✊️🔥 #wedefenddreamers #latinosinaction #artisatoolforsocialchange #toexististoevolve #getjustified #justifedink #saltlakecity #mural #art #slcart #slcartist #graffiti #art #streetart […]
Tag: Jordan Parkway
Sneak Peek
“The desire to be is the beginning of complexity” We want to share another sneak peek at the new art for the Jordan River Sign Project! #mindfulmonday is brought to you by this work from Justin Johnson . #peaceisaninsidejob #pieceofart #peaceofart #buddha #getupandgrind #getjustified #justifiedink #BeJustified #nvsfam #lotus #blossom #meditation #graffiti #art #streetart #streetstyle #ironlak […]
Branden Brumfield Jordan River
Working on the second year, second round of the Jordan River Sign Project, we’ve got Branden Brumfield bringing the heat! His paintings keep getting better and better, with increasingly larger strides!
Jordan river fence progress
Going to be back on this project tomorrow! Photocredit goes to Van Hoover // #aerosolart #murals #communitybuilding #graphicdesign #streetart #streetteam #streetfashion #graffiti #getupandgrind #getjustified #nvsfam #justifiedink #montanahardcore #ironlak #rustoleum #spraypaint #spraypaintart #artisatoolforsocialchange