20 May 2018
Finished Jordan River

Finished Jordan River

With a nice commemorative event, yesterday we complete our 3 year Jordan River Art Project. We spent 3 years working with local non-profits, parks & open space, and tons of community members to transform the Jordan River Parkway Trail, and teach stewardship for the environment we live in. (Check out the full wall in our next post ! ). .
#communitybuilding #artisatoolforsocialchange #community#jordanriverparkway #jordanriver #slc #slcart #slcartist #graffiti #art#graphicdesign #streetart #streetstyle #toolsofthetrade#artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak #montanahardcore #krylon#rustoleum #aerosolart #getjustified #justifiedink
