Repost: @theartofjust242 Added some final touches and some little bee friends! 🐝🌸 . . #spring #springhassprung #nature #bees #savethebees #thistle#thistlebeeasy #spraypaint #slc #slcartist #art #streetart #streetstyle#toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak #montanahardcore#krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart #getjustified #justifiedink
Tag: aerosol
Space Lightning
Another preview. there’s something about space lightning.. 💡⚡️✨@theartfactoryslc @southsaltlakearts & concept / art by @sin45nvs @theartofjust242 . . #slc #slcart #slcartist #communitybuilding #artisatoolforsocialchange#sparkofcreativity #sparkofmadness #space #thespark #art #streetart#streetstyle #toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak#montanahardcore #krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart #justifiedink#getjustified
The best power is what you create
#Repost @theartofjust242 with a sneak preview of a new production we are working on! ・・・ Power is difficult to find, keep, and control. The best power, however, is that which you create. ⚡️💫🌩 . . #workinprogress #spraypaintart #spraytan #lightning #power#knowledgeispower #powertothepeople #spark #creativity#stormwithoutthecalm #graffiti #art #streetart #streetstyle#toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak #montanahardcore#krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart
Don’t forget to stop and take stock in the great things you have going. Take a minute to organize and see all the beauty in what you’re building. #spraypaint #graffiti #art #streetart #streetstyle #toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak #montanahardcore #krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart #justifiedink #getjustified
I love when the team comes through focused and on point to knock pieces out of the park. Today was no exception. Great work at the #westsideartsfest @sin45nvs @south_ape_studio @theartofjust242 , and special thanks to @so.pow for the inspiring photos which led to this painting. #justifiedink #getjustified #getupandgrind #nvsfam #BeJustified
Sneak Peek
“The desire to be is the beginning of complexity” We want to share another sneak peek at the new art for the Jordan River Sign Project! #mindfulmonday is brought to you by this work from Justin Johnson . #peaceisaninsidejob #pieceofart #peaceofart #buddha #getupandgrind #getjustified #justifiedink #BeJustified #nvsfam #lotus #blossom #meditation #graffiti #art #streetart #streetstyle #ironlak […]
Salt Lake Tribune Write Up
Work hard and gain traction. Do good for others in the process. ⚒
A little (big) something we put together for The Art Factory!
A little (big) something we put together for The Art Factory!
I spy with my little eye
Cans on cans forever.. we also acquired some classic spray cans which will be cool to feature once we sort them all out. Any of you graff heads Spot any ?? #spraypaint #graffiti #art #aerosolart #krylon #rustoleum #hardcore #montanacans #murals #communitybuilding #getupandgrind #paintthecity