16 Jan 2017

Martin Luther King Jr.

“All we ask is that the promises which have been made, be fulfilled.”

Today we celebrate Dr Martin Luther King Jr Day!

When it comes to social Justice and the struggle for equal rights, compassion is key — for both sides.

“We dont need to argue with anybody. We dont need to curse, going around acting bad, with our words. We dont need any friction problems, We dont need any molotov cocktails.

We just need to go around to these stores and to these massive industries in our country, to say to you “we come here to say that youre not treating the people right. We come by here to ask you to make the first item on your agenda Fair Treatment of all people. Now if you are not prepared to do that, we have an agenda we must follow. Our agenda calls for withdrawing economic support from ya.”

#visionsofdrking #soldiersofpeace #martinlutherkingjrday #getjustified #solidarityforever
