
Life is not always Smooth Sailing
#Repost @ackrite / aka Casey Johnson with some wisdom to consider..
Life is not always Smooth Sailing and sunshine
🌞That is why we have to take control of emotions and keep things as balanced as possible
⚖️ Life is meant to be enjoyed, and with joy, inevitably there will be lows. It’s how we choose to react that determines the outcome. Nothing can change the fact everyday is a gift and we all get to enjoy it *~Ez Come Ez Go~* #justified #justifiedInk #smoothsailing #EzComeEzGo #outdoors #nature #hike #hiking #arizona #az #sunshine #rasta #reggae #roots #sky #skyline #clouds #certifiedFairTrade #organic #hemp #bamboo #onelove #dreadlocks #dreads #ack #ackrite
Life is not always Smooth Sailing and sunshine