Hartland Community 4 youth & Family
For the last few years we have been teaming up with Hartland Community 4 youth & Family. Using art as a tool for social change, we have been working to help expand the reach of the community work they do in their program.
Now, we work together year around to create solidarity and community pride for youth through Murals, Sports, and Clean up days for the Jordan river in the Salt Lake area. This is in addition to their soccer club, and multiple other community youth-based experiential learning events, which the program provides.
We are raising funds to support the expansion and continuation of this program. Please donate if you are able, and share if possible!
We firmly believe in the power of art, sports, and outdoor activities as a tool to transform lives and help youth access educational opportunities. Join our endeavor in strengthening west side communities, and assisting young people in achieving success. Sponsor a Hartland youth participant today!