
Beehive State of Mind WIP
“Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, DO BETTER” -Maya Angelou
4 years ago we thought we were doing pretty good, and In many ways, we were. However, the difference between where we were then and where we are at/ going to now is far beyond what we could have imagined at the time. We painted this with @ Alex Martinez, Justin Johnson & Jamie Ure.
If you press forward, there’s no telling how far you’ll go and how advanced you can make your life, position, or craft.
Whatever you do, just keep moving forward.
Stagnation is the death of us. Your best can always get better.
#getjustified #truthbetold #idlehandsarethedevilsworkplace #doyourbest #push #wip #alwaysgrowingeverchanging