Announcing Justified Organics and Justified Art & Print Shop
Announcing Justified Organics and Justified Art & Print Shop
“Always growing ever changing.”
Today we are announcing that we now have 2 webstores!
Justified Art & Printing @ shop.justifiedink.org
Justified Organics @ organics.justifiedink.org
This change was necessary to give each aspect of Justified Ink, more room to grow and blossom. It also enables us to focus on each one and expand the platform of our services. Both can be accessed from our main site under “shop”.
Justified Art & Printing features: Artwork and Clothing from Justified Artists, Custom Screen printing and Production, and a platform to run campaigns for associates and clients!
Justified Organics features: More focused on Hemp, bamboo, Organic Cotton and other Textiles. Also has expanded into wellness bodycare and is intended to feature products from other amazing Organics-type brands that we support!
#futurefriday #justifiedart #justifiedinkprinting #justifiedorganics