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Positive Influence

“I started Justified Ink as a brand to use art as a tool for social change. When I teamed up with NVS, we took that vision to the next level. We build for communities through art.

We work full time and Volunteer endless hours to support this cause as well as what we make and sell on our shop NVS SUPPLY. Become a defender of Community Art & Support our Mission

~Just 242


We empower individuals with our Art, and bring unity to communities through our work. We are defenders of public art.


Using our time, skills, and technology We share our message to build communities and specialize in under-resourced areas.


Combining art with production, we utilize our apparel to share our messages and give the public a way to support our cause.


Here are the latest updates! Between the team and my work, we have new things happening year around. From new apparel, art pieces, to events, workshops, and community projects.

  • Finished Jordan River
    May 20, 2018
    Art,Blog,Festivals,Justified Artists,Mural
    Finished Jordan River
    With a nice commemorative event, yesterday we complete our 3 year Jordan River Art Project. We spent 3 years...
  • Bee Friends
    May 18, 2018
    Blog,Design,Festivals,Mural,Work in Progress
    Bee Friends
    Repost: @theartofjust242 Added some final touches and some little bee friends! 🐝🌸 . . #spring #springhassprung #nature #bees #savethebees #thistle#thistlebeeasy #spraypaint #slc #slcartist #art #streetart #streetstyle#toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak #montanahardcore#krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart #getjustified #justifiedink


We share our message through our clothing. By shopping on our store, NVS SUPPLY, you help provide us with the means and support to continue our work in the arts and communities.

Our apparel is hand-printed and most is either Fair Trade Certified or Union Made. We fully support more Hemp, Organic, Eco-friendly and logically sourced textiles and production methods. As always, Enjoy free shipping in U.S.

Become a defender of public art & support our mission.


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